Calculate values in a PivotTable
Calculate values in a PivotTable In PivotTables, you can use summary functions in value fields to combine values from the underlying source data. If summary functions and custom calculations do not provide the results that you want, you can create your own formulas in calculated fields and calculated items. For example, you could add a calculated item with the formula for the sales commission, which could be different for each region. The PivotTable would then automatically include the commission in the subtotals and grand totals. PivotTables provide ways to calculate data. Learn about the calculation methods that are available, how calculations are affected by the type of source data, and how to use formulas in PivotTables and PivotCharts. Available calculation methods To calculate values in a PivotTable, you can use any or all of the following types of calculation methods: Summary functions in value fields The data in the values area summarize the underl...